Digital Wellness: The Key to Improving Student Health & Productivity

The Digital Wellness Institute provides industry-leading e-learnings designed with your employees in mind - fun, engaging, relevant content, all integrated into your LMS..

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Digital Wellness 101

Digital Wellness 101

A foundational training in digital wellness and the Digital Flourishing model(R), designed to give your employees the tools they need to find flourishing and balance in an always-on world.

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15 minutes

Student Productivity

Productivity: a core aspect of Digital Flourishing. It teaches students how they may use technology to maximize the benefits while mitigating distractions and a lack of intentional usage.

15 minutes

Student Mental Health

Mental Health: a core aspect of Digital Flourishing. It teaches students how they may use technology to maximize the benefits while mitigating the negatively impact mental health.

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Teach Students about what makes digital technology so compelling

Teach Students about what makes digital technology so compelling

Students will learn to recognize elements of the “Hooked Model” and other intentional design methods intentionally designed to maximize time on device.

Through improved awareness, they can take  back control of their digital technology rather than feeling like it is in control of them.
Teach Students about what makes digital technology so compelling

Help them Flourishing in an always on world

Learn to recognize elements of the “Hooked Model” and other intentional design methods intentionally designed to maximize time on device.

Take back control of your digital technology rather than feeling like it is in control of you.

Critical Campus Outcomes

Digital wellness education can improve student's screen habits to promote focus, flow, and flourishing

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Critical Campus Outcomes

White-labeled courses delivered directly into your LMS

Quickly and easily make digital wellness a priority with our enterprise-ready courses and custom resources, so you can drive business objectives forward.
Activate your courses within days
Track< user progress within your native environment
Utilize Course downloads and resources designed by the digital wellness institute to boost engagement.

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Your instituton Flourishes when your students do

I have to admit that I did not think that I could need this course as much as I did! I think often of my son's wellness, but this course brought new awareness to my life too!
I love the way that this course is structured--it's so nice to alternate between reading texts, watching videos, listening to audio, and stopping to pause.  How congruent with digital wellness!
Thank you so much for offering such an amazing program. You have opened my eyes to for myself and for others to have a a healthier digital lifestyle.

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