Become a Digitally Balanced Workplace

Increase engagement, productivity, and well-being. Deploy research-based digital wellness solutions that help your organization flourish.

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Digital Wellness Solutions for Workplace

What’s behind employee burnout?

Like many employers, you may be overlooking the significant impact of tech on employee engagement, productivity, and well-being. The pandemic has caused a 30% rise in screen time, leading to reduced in-person interactions and increased time spent sitting and managing various platforms and messages. We’re just now seeing the long-term effects, from quiet quitting to decreased engagement.

If your company is not tracking these trends, you’re likely experiencing a massive leak in productivity and retention. That’s where we come in.

Employee Experience

Elevate your workplace

Dive deep into your organization's digital culture, pinpointing strengths and opportunities.

Analyze your organization

Equip your workforce with the tools and training they need to excel in a digital-first world.

Develop your team's skills

Showcase your commitment to excellence, attracting the best in the business.

Get recognized

Solution focus:
Productivity, Engagement, Well-being, Retention, Talent Acquisition, Culture

Leading the Way in Digital Wellness for a Balanced Workplace
Customer success

Real, measurable results

By investing in digital wellness, some of our clients have seen measurable results in employee well-being, productivity, and retention.


Decrease in employees likely to seek employment elsewhere


Reduction in employees reporting feelings of anxiety


Reduction in employees reporting feelings of burnout

Impact study: ATB Financial

As the first Certified Digitally Well Workplace™ in the world, ATB Financial implemented purposeful digital habits that improved employee mental health, retention, and productivity in just six weeks.

Our impact study gives you an inside look at the metrics and strategies that helped create a positive digital culture and reduce burnout and inbox anxiety by over 50%.

Download Impact Study

The new operational imperative

Why should digital wellness matter to you? Organizations that rely on our expertise see measurable improvements in employee productivity, satisfaction, and more.

Some example successes include:

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Increased productivity

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Reduced distracted screen time at work

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Improved employee feelings of well-being

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Reduced employee feelings of burnout

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Increased workplace satisfaction

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Lowered attrition rates

Learn More

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What others say

Organizations like yours are seeing the impact of digital well-being

How we navigate work and life in the digital environment is THE issue for us to solve moving forward. The Digital Wellness Institute is quantifying the problem with the right measurements at the right time. They have a suite of interventions that can meaningfully move the needle forward for positive change.

Matthew Chow
Chief Mental Health Officer Telus Health

understanding How we navigate work and life in the digital environment is THE issue for us to solve moving forward. The Digital Wellness Institute is quantifying the problem with the right measurements at the right time. They have a suite of interventions that can meaningfully move the needle forward for positive change.

Kerilee Snatenchuk
Director of People & Culture ATB Financial

After taking the Digital Wellness Institute's courses through my company, I came away with greater awareness about how I'm looking after my health and digital wellness (or how I might not be without realizing it!) and what I can do to increase my productivity at work and lessen the feeling of burnout. These courses also served as a great reminder to set healthy boundaries for my tech usage habits - both at work and home.

Jacob Turner
Digital Wellness Learner Employee

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